Heidi (乔玉博 太原师范学院第二附属小学 五年级)
来源:本站 作者:admin 发表时间:2018-10-17 浏览次数:I like Heidi. Heidi is a clever girl. She and Peter are friends. Heidi is an orphan but she is very healthy. She lives in a village as free as a bird. Her grandfather is grumpy. Peter is a herder. He would take goats up the mountain. Heidi liked the goats at the first sight. Heidi goes to school. She is a friend of Klara. Klara’s home is very wealthy, but Klara has to stay in a wheelchair. She practices walking every day. This story is very happy.
乔玉博 玲玲老师英语实验班学生 来自太原师范第二附属小学 一年级学生 2006年3月份开始学英语,2009年6月份学习背诵完《新概念英语2》,这是李慧多学习完《新概念英语2》后作的作文。