The Red Shoes (朱萌 太原师范学院第二附属小学 五年级)
来源:本站 作者:admin 发表时间:2018-10-16 浏览次数:
Karen was a very selfish girl. Her mother was dead but an old lady raised her. Karen went to live with the old lady and she didn’t let Karen wear red shoes.
Karen must be confirmed. The old lady had very poor sight, so she wanted to dress the red shoes and went to the church. But as soon as she dressed the shoes, the red shoes began dancing. She couldn’t stop. At last, she went to the church and began to repent and the god forgave her.
朱萌 玲玲老师英语实验班学生 来自太原师范第二附属小学 一年级学生 2006年3月份开始学英语,2009年6月份学习背诵完《新概念英语2》,这是李慧多学习完《新概念英语2》后作的作文。