The Red Shoes(李慧多 来自太原师范第二附属小学 五年级
来源:本站 作者:admin 发表时间:2018-10-17 浏览次数:This book tells us: a man must be a kind man. In the Red Shoes the little girl was a poor girl. An old lady took care of her. Since that time, Karen went to live with the old lady. Every day, she dressed and ate well. She learned many things. She became a very pretty girl. Karen should have known that the church would never allow her to wear red shoes to go to her confirmation, but one of the Sundays she did so. The old lady scolded Karen. The lady had poor eyesight, so the next Sunday, Karen put on her red shoes again and went to the church with the old lady. An old soldier asked them “Shall I dust your shoes for you?” “Yes, please do so.” they replied. The old soldier dusted them and hit the bottom of her shoes with his hand. On the way to the church, she danced a few steps. Then something very strange happened. She couldn’t stop dancing. She even kicked the old lady. At last they got the shoes off and put them away in the cupboard. But Karen loved the shoes. Sometime later, the old lady became very sick. Many people said she could not live. She needed a lot of care. Karen was the best person to do this. One day, she received an invitation to a ball. She wanted to go. But then she thought of the old lady. Soon she changed her mind. Then the selfish girl put on her red dancing shoes to go to the ball. She went to the ball. She danced and danced. The shoes took Karen out into the street and out of the town. She tried to stop, but she couldn’t. Karen danced towards the church door. At that moment, she saw an angle. He was dressed in white and held a big sword. “Dance, you wicked girl.” he said. She danced on and on. She came to a small, lonely house. It was an executioner’s house. She begged him to cut off her feet and he did. He made two wooden feet and crutches for her. Karen went to a church and then lives there. One Sunday, she heard a sound. It was the sound of the church music. An angel was in her sight. The angel was standing before her. This time he was different. He had a bunch of roses instead of the sword. Since then, no one ever spoke of the red shoes again.
李慧多 玲玲老师英语实验班学生 来自太原师范第二附属小学 一年级学生 2006年3月份开始学英语,2009年6月份学习背诵完《新概念英语2》,这是李慧多五年级学习完《新概念英语2》后作的作文。